Hello and welcome to my blog!

I started my blog on October 9, 2012. I’ve always wanted to blog to inspire others but there wasn’t enough motivation until NOW. I have always been interested in nutrition and healthy living so I decided to take college course about nutrition even though it wasn’t my major. I found it fascinating and my eating got better and better. When I found yoga in March 2012, my life turned around. I felt better about myself. I ate better. I looked physically better. (I even lost a couple pounds!) I had a better sense about the world. I’ve grown so much spiritually. I’ve more humble than ever. I want to share my life with you guys and motivate to be healthier overall. I hope you enjoy what I’ve written. Thanks for visiting.


21 responses »

  1. Namaste
    Bhagwan ki kripa apke upar bani rahe (God Bless)..

  2. Hi Jenn, I really enjoy your blog and have nominated you for the Sunshine Award

    Sunshine Award…got nominated again!

  3. Isn’t it amazing how something like yoga can transform your life.
    I’m still a beginner but I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOGA!

    • MmmHmm! Me too. As the semester is getting more chaotic, I’m finding that I’m having a hard time fitting into my schedule but once the semester ends, I hope to do it everyday again. =) Glad yoga has influenced you in a positive way as well.

  4. Hello Jenn! I just wanted to let you know that, for all the reasons I love your blog, I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. See: http://missmarzipan.com/2012/11/20/1038/
    Very best wishes to you!!! 🙂 x

  5. Hi Jenn, I love your blog and have nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award!

    New Awards

    • Thanks for all the love!! I will get to this as soon as I have time. I still have the Liebster award to do..haha. Thank you so much. I appreciate you reading my blog…especially all the way from Australia!!

  6. Thank you for dropping by and following my blog so that I can discover your wonderful work. I am following!

  7. Pingback: Reality Blog Award | a recipe sharing and bento blog

  8. Hello Jenn, I found your blog very interesting and nominate you for the Reality Blog Award, I believe participation is an optional and in case if you are interested pls check http://rabbitcancook.wordpress.com/2012/12/14/reality-blog-award/

  9. Hi! Just stopping by again to say I have really enjoyed following your blog 2012 and have nominated you for a Blog of the Year Award. If you’re interested in accepting, pop by http://missmarzipan.com/2012/12/31/100th-post-today-with-belated-yet-grateful-responses-to-18-award-nominations/ for more details. If not, no worries :)- I gave you a nice shout-out in any case… and I wish you a very happy 2013! x

  10. Hi Jenn, Thanks for the awards you’ve been sending my way…I’ve nominated you for the Inspiring Blog Award. There’s no obligation to accept or re-post it, this is just my way of saying ‘I enjoy reading your posts’.

    Here’s the award post link: http://perisspiceladle.com/2013/01/16/blog-of-the-year-2012-and-more-a-heartfelt-thank-you/

    Have a great year!

  11. Your blog is fantastic and definitely inspiring, so I nominated you for a Liebster Award: http://danaartinyan.com/2013/01/18/liebster-award-and-recognition/.


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